Cicada 3301 Final Emails - 2012
Email 1
Congratulations your month of testing has come to an end out of the thousands who attempted it you are one of only a few who have succeeded.
There is one last step although there will not be any hidden codes or secret messages or physical treasure hunts this last step is only honesty we have always been honest with you and we shall continue to be honest with you and we expect you to be honest with us in return.
You have all wondered who we are and so we shall now tell you we are an international group we have no name we have no symbol we have no membership rosters we do not have a public website and we do not advertise ourselves we are a group of individuals who have proven ourselves much like you have by completing this recruitment contest and we are drawn together by common beliefs a careful reading of the texts used in the contest would have revealed some of these beliefs that tyranny and oppression of any kind must end that censorship is wrong and that privacy is an inalienable right.
We are not a *hacker* group nor are we a *warez* group we do not engage in illegal activity nor do our members if you are engaged in illegal activity we ask that you cease any and all illegal activities or decline membership at this time we will not ask questions if you decline however if you lie to us we will find out.
You are undoubtedly wondering what it is that we do we are much like a *think tank* in that our primary focus is on researching and developing techniques to aid the ideas we advocate liberty privacy security you have undoubtedly heard of a few of our past projects and if you choose to accept membership we are happy to have you on-board to help with future projects.
Please reply to this email with the answers to the next few questions to continue:
* Do you believe that every human being has a right to privacy and anonymity and is within their rights to use tools which help obtain and maintain privacy cash strong encryption anonymity software etc?
* Do you believe that information should be free?
* Do you believe that censorship harms humanity?
We look forward to hearing from you.
Congratulations your month of testing has come to an end out of the thousands who attempted it you are one of only a few who have succeeded.
There is one last step although there will not be any hidden codes or secret messages or physical treasure hunts this last step is only honesty we have always been honest with you and we shall continue to be honest with you and we expect you to be honest with us in return.
You have all wondered who we are and so we shall now tell you we are an international group we have no name we have no symbol we have no membership rosters we do not have a public website and we do not advertise ourselves we are a group of individuals who have proven ourselves much like you have by completing this recruitment contest and we are drawn together by common beliefs a careful reading of the texts used in the contest would have revealed some of these beliefs that tyranny and oppression of any kind must end that censorship is wrong and that privacy is an inalienable right.
We are not a *hacker* group nor are we a *warez* group we do not engage in illegal activity nor do our members if you are engaged in illegal activity we ask that you cease any and all illegal activities or decline membership at this time we will not ask questions if you decline however if you lie to us we will find out.
You are undoubtedly wondering what it is that we do we are much like a *think tank* in that our primary focus is on researching and developing techniques to aid the ideas we advocate liberty privacy security you have undoubtedly heard of a few of our past projects and if you choose to accept membership we are happy to have you on-board to help with future projects.
Please reply to this email with the answers to the next few questions to continue:
* Do you believe that every human being has a right to privacy and anonymity and is within their rights to use tools which help obtain and maintain privacy cash strong encryption anonymity software etc?
* Do you believe that information should be free?
* Do you believe that censorship harms humanity?
We look forward to hearing from you.
Email 2
This message will only be displayed once.
Here is a message that has been encrypted with RSA (the Crypt::RSA Perl module available in CPAN)
Version: 1.99
Scheme: Crypt::RSA::ES::OAEP
eJwBzQAy/zEwADE4OABDeXBoZXJ0ZXh0B4KeBtKjJ7hGKC7/zqyzxUoFDTzRuU4+TLFUrw9qDGjk YI3fjyMn3G/w9WcfkZMGHdGRicbpTsDO3/oqmVtZpmIDY2HPOeWIZChuLfMDwT3FTUkDjQpsq390 OJ90pArd1JRxdIZtnCvnVy/vg+1MjAFH3ta+CuAwHsIY/3lGOKTin1+5M30BKh7NOQMmBcJ8/RuL TfXMGQT01QVMeAGq6vORk3iw39KOLRU3Lcn1804G1/zd2mdFWvEMaTbu/F+7 =0KfiT9PUe6QkwJXoM36Ukw==
Here is the public key used to encrypt it. Note that it has a low bit modulus and is therefore breakable:
$VAR1 = bless( { 'e' => 65537, 'n' => '7467492769579356967270197440403790283193525917787433197231759008957255433116469460882489015469125000179524189783', 'Version' => '1.99', 'Identity' => }, 'Crypt::RSA::Key::Public' );
The encrypted message is a number. Break the decryption key, then come back to this same URL and enter the decrypted message to continue. Each person who has come this far has received a unique message encrypted with a unique key. You are not to collaborate. Sharing your message or key will result in not receiving the next step.
There is a second chance to get your own RSA message and key. Follow the "Numbers dot TK" hint to find it.
There are many fake messages out there. Only messages signed with public key ID 7A35090F are valid.
Good luck.
This message will only be displayed once.
Here is a message that has been encrypted with RSA (the Crypt::RSA Perl module available in CPAN)
Version: 1.99
Scheme: Crypt::RSA::ES::OAEP
eJwBzQAy/zEwADE4OABDeXBoZXJ0ZXh0B4KeBtKjJ7hGKC7/zqyzxUoFDTzRuU4+TLFUrw9qDGjk YI3fjyMn3G/w9WcfkZMGHdGRicbpTsDO3/oqmVtZpmIDY2HPOeWIZChuLfMDwT3FTUkDjQpsq390 OJ90pArd1JRxdIZtnCvnVy/vg+1MjAFH3ta+CuAwHsIY/3lGOKTin1+5M30BKh7NOQMmBcJ8/RuL TfXMGQT01QVMeAGq6vORk3iw39KOLRU3Lcn1804G1/zd2mdFWvEMaTbu/F+7 =0KfiT9PUe6QkwJXoM36Ukw==
Here is the public key used to encrypt it. Note that it has a low bit modulus and is therefore breakable:
$VAR1 = bless( { 'e' => 65537, 'n' => '7467492769579356967270197440403790283193525917787433197231759008957255433116469460882489015469125000179524189783', 'Version' => '1.99', 'Identity' => }, 'Crypt::RSA::Key::Public' );
The encrypted message is a number. Break the decryption key, then come back to this same URL and enter the decrypted message to continue. Each person who has come this far has received a unique message encrypted with a unique key. You are not to collaborate. Sharing your message or key will result in not receiving the next step.
There is a second chance to get your own RSA message and key. Follow the "Numbers dot TK" hint to find it.
There are many fake messages out there. Only messages signed with public key ID 7A35090F are valid.
Good luck.