There is a ghost on twitter. Or at least that’s what Adam Ellis Tweeted. In those tweets he has decided to share the story of a little boy’s ghost that has been haunting his apartment since 2017.
Are you ready to jump down the Rabbit Hole? Adam Ellis is a New York cartoonist and illustrator who started documenting his encounters with this creepy ghost on his twitter account @moby_dickhead. He gained quite a following and some notoriety because of his tweets. Oh and did I forget to mention that Adam thinks this dead boy’s ghost is trying to kill him? On this episode of Clouded we will try and answer 2 questions:
What is the story behind David? At 8:35 AM on Aug 7 2017 Adam described the Dear David incident in a series of tweets. This is what he said: (Jeff Voice Over) Here are some of the more intriguing highlights from Adam’s twitter account:
Is It Real? There are convincing moments throughout the twitter story line. I personally love the origin story of David and the 3 questions aspect of it. It harkens back to being a kid and believing ghost stories and the games that accompanied them. I personally want to completely believe in the tweets. I love a good ghost story. Who doesn’t? I do believe something happened. I just don’t believe everything that was tweeted out was true. I think Adam has embellished some of the story here. Here’s one of the problems I had. If you go through the tweets it sometimes reads like a story. Sometimes too conveniently like a story. The tweets sometimes come off as if he is trying to hard at keeping the tweets coming. Once it started to go viral there must have been an immense amount of pressure to keep going. And so he did. At the expense of what really happened. The second problem I have is with the photographic evidence. Now I do not know what a real ghost would like like if it were caught on camera. But I do know what a doll in a transparent filter would look like. And unfortunately the pictures look like a doll to me. News broke in June of 2018 that Buzzfeed Studios and It producer Dan Lin's production company Rideback would be adapting the tweets into a film. In November of that same year New Line Cinema acquired the rights to the film. Ellis has always maintained that everything he tweeted was true. And that may ultimately be true. And we here at the Clouded podcast most definitely do not want to upset David, that’s why there are only 2 questions not 3 this episode. David doesn’t like 3 questions.
On November 4th, 2014 a petite blond girl with big brown eyes uploaded a video to youtube. In it she can be seen eating cotton candy in a pink sparkly top for 1:22 seconds. The title of the video is “Poppy Eats Cotton Candy”. This video was followed by many other strange videos including one where she repeats the phrase “I’m Poppy” with different inflections for 10 minutes straight. For years people have tried to uncover the identity of this youtube star. The question is, does she want to be found?
The mysterious girl with a soft voice first appeared on youtube in 2014. She has amassed over 450 million views on youtube. Her ardent followers are known as “Poppy Seeds” and one of them has gone so far as to have created a religion based on Poppy known as “poppyism”. She has released a self published book, Her identity was eventually solved, but to this day she remains an enigma among youtube stars. Mystery still surrounds her. Is this a riddle that’s not meant to be completely solved? On today’s episode of Clouded we will try and answer 3 questions:
Why is Poppy considered to be, different? To understand the sensation that is Poppy you really have to study her Youtube videos. They can be very robotic and eerie in nature. A lot of her videos are just her in a white room talking directly into the camera. Talking directly to you, the listener. Especially her videos that came out early in her youtube career. Such as the video titled “Oh No”. In this video Poppy is standing in a white room off center. A few seconds into the video a puff of smoke appears and a second Poppy appears on the opposite side of the original Poppy. They start to look at each other and the first Poppy starts have have blood come out of her mouth. The second Poppy looks at her and says “Oh No”. The two Poppy’s then stare at each other for about 15 seconds as blood continues to come out of and drip from the first Poppy’s mouth. Then the video abruptly ends. That’s it. No explanation at all about what you just watched. In Some of her videos she seemingly seems to be answering some of the questions people had about her. A couple of examples of this are her two videos “I Am not in a cult” and “Am I okay?” Here are a couple of audio clips from those two videos: Audio Clip Here I also find the videos of “charlotte” interviewing Poppy to be quite odd and a little bit disturbing. In these videos Poppy is being interviewed by a mannequin named Charlotte that has a robotic voice. Charlotte looks really creepy. She just stands there with awful looking curly wig and does not move an inch. Here is a short sample of one of those interviews: Audio Clip here What theories are out there that explain her strange behavior? Let me start this off by quickly dismissing these theories I found online: No she is not a robot, a government project, nor is she a part of the illuminati. I do realize that there are connections in her music videos and website that gives illusions to the illuminati, but I believe those are all red herrings. She knows you will be looking for them and so, they are placed there. I can also say with some certainty that she is not a Hologram or an alien from outer space. That being said, There are strange things I would like to cover that have some people concerned. I the original description of her “I Will Apply for Make-Up” video, certain letters are capitalized. When you spell out only those letters that are capitalized it says “HELP ME”. Then there's the reddit post that had the title “please help me” with the follow up message of “I’m breaking”. Finally in her self-published book called The Gospel of Poppy, she references Moloch. This is a bit disturbing because Moloch is a Canaanite God associated with child sacrifice. Eerie to say the least. I do believe the truth is much simpler. As Occam's Razor states, the simplest answer is usually right. Poppy, I believe, is a character created to not only to be a parody of today’s culture but to also create a youtube pop star. Who is Poppy? It has been widely reported that Poppy is the creation of Titanic Sinclair played by musician Moriah Rose Pereira of Boston, Massachusetts. Corey Michael Mixer, better known as Titanic Sinclair, is a director, musician, and YouTube personality creator. He has previously worked with Mars Argo, who eerily resembles Poppy in both looks and style of videos. Poppy has grown enormously since her beginnings on Youtube. She has turned into not only a Youtube Personality but also a YouTube music phenomenon. She has released two studio albums, two EP’s, and been on tour 3 times. Poppy also starred “I’m Poppy”, a short film and the first episode of a television series of the same name written and directed by Titanic Sinclair, in 2018. We may never know The reason behind the creation of Poppy by Titanic Sinclair. It could be as simple as to create a star out of a mysterious no one.But no one really knows. And for some other reason, Corey and Moriah aren’t talking either. |